Header One Tree Planted

One tree planted

Our collaboration with the non-profit organization One Tree Planted began in November 2020 with the goal of contributing to global reforestation by planting trees for every goal scored by the Club's teams. Initially, each goal corresponded to 200 trees, leading to the planting of 25,000 trees in the first season.

The success continued in the following season, with another 22,800 trees planted, allowing us to support the creation of over 47,800 new trees in various parts of the world that will capture approximately 14,400 tons of CO2 in the first 20 years after planting. In 2023, the partnership evolved into a three-year project focused on the metropolitan area of Turin, particularly in areas including the Orti Generali, Cascina Falchera, and the La Mandria Natural Park.

In line with this project and the Club's desire to raise awareness among the younger generations, on Earth Day 2024, we involved the Under 15 women's and men's youth teams and the Under 16 men's team in an immersive activity at the Orti Generali in Turin. This educational event allowed young athletes to strengthen their connection with nature, learn the basics of sustainable land management, and understand the importance of concrete actions to protect the planet.

