Ale and Ricky, forever in our hearts

It's been 12 years since that cursed day, 15 December 2006, when Ale and Ricky were cruelly taken away from us. Yet their memory remains as strong and indelible as ever.We're reminded of them every day. We see them in the smiles of all those kids chasing their dreams with a football at their feet, like Ale and Ricky – in Vinovo, on the pitch named after them, when there's an event organised by the Riccardo Neri & Alessio Ferramosca Association, and every time the 'Ale & Ricky sempre nel cuore' tournament is played. Through the youth of today, our bond with Alessio and Riccardo is strengthened.On this day of remembrance, Juventus are closer than ever to the Ferramosca and Neri families, in a show of support which began 12 years ago and will continue forever.