Fair People: a success in all respects!

A truly positive first edition for "Fair People - Respect is a team game" – an educational proposal developed within Juventus Goals – dedicated entirely to the theme of respect and with which Juventus, for the first time, entered into the classroom to share their values ​​with children, teachers and families of primary schools in Turin and the province.

The project involved 500 classes and more than 10 000 students both in the classroom and at home in an open, fun and inclusive game-based journey, as the main means of learning.

An innovative training system animated by scholastic and multidisciplinary activities was created to deal with a timeless theme, such as that of respect, through a transversal analysis: towards oneself, towards others and to the world around us. The aim is to make people reflect, starting from the main theme, such as inclusion and the value of diversity, involving students, teachers and families in a real team game.

Without ever forgetting the educational purpose, Fair People is also a free initiative that concretely rewards the commitment of schools. At the end of the course, each class was invited to produce and present the motto and a message of respect. Through these details the classes were able not only to concretely reproduce what this path meant for them, but also to have the chance to win a further educational experience at the Juventus Museum.

In fact, on 23 May, students from the three winning classes took part in a laboratory dedicated to them, where at the end, they experienced the satisfaction of the exhibition, which will last all summer.

For more information visit www.fairpeople.it