Juventus wins "Italy on the field against homophobia" award for the second year

Juventus' commitment to fight homophobia and more generally, to fight to achieve inclusiveness and against all discrimination, has received yet more important recognition.

On Saturday 1 July, Juventus received an award from Arcigay, which attests to the importance of concrete and structured programs such as More Colorful Together which, on the occasion of Valentine's Day 2023, launched a further message by telling the stories of Manuel and Thessa, Linda and Lisa, Cecilia and Marco. A hymn to love without distinction, for a world where anyone is free to love, universally and unconditionally - "Celebrate Love With Pride".

An award which, like last year, involved not only all of Arcigay Nazionale, but also all the LGBTQIA+ sports teams/groups in Italy, which formed the commission responsible for voting on the nominated candidates. The categories identified were: sports journalist, athlete, sports team and fans and outdoors who said or did actions in favour of LGBTQIA+ civil rights in sports.

For us, this recognition represents all the values we believe in, in defense of rights, against any manifestation of discrimination, with the hope of being able to be that voice every day of an ally aimed at overcoming barriers and prejudices that still hinder some individual freedoms still today.