Roberto Petrignani

Statutory Auditor

Born in Turin on 27 October 1963. He graduated in Economics and Commerce in Turin and is enrolled in the Order of Chartered Accountants of Turin since 1991, to the Register of Statutory Auditors since 1995, the Court’s Register of Technical Advisers since 1995 and the Register of Independent Experts for the negotiated settlement of the business crisis at the Chamber of Commerce of Turin. It carries out its activities with specific reference to corporate crisis, company valuations, extraordinary financial operations and governance and internal control systems. He has held and holds the position of chairman or member of the board of auditors in listed and unlisted companies, Legal Auditor and external member of the Committee set up within the Piedmont Region for financing companies in crisis. He is also chairman or member of supervisory bodies ex D. Lgs. no. 231/2001.