
Bianconere on international duty

Bianconere on international duty
Bianconere on international duty
Bianconere on international duty

The 2-0 win against San Marino Academy was the final game of the Serie A Femminile as certain Bianconere are set to report for National Team duty. Thirteen Juventus players have been called up: Boattin, Bonansea, Caruso, Galli, Girelli, Giuliani and Rosucci with Italy, Pedersen with Denmark, Sembrant and Hurtig with Sweden, Bacic with Croatia, Staskova with the Czech Republic and Sciberras with Malta.


Seven Azzurre are expected to take on Isreal, on September 17, 2020 at Castellani di Empoli, as well as Bosnia Herzegovina, in Zenica, on September 22, 2020, with both fixtures valid for qualification for the UEFA Women's Championship. On the same dates, Hurtig and Sembrant of Sweden will take on Hungary and Iceland, while Bacic will defend the Croatian goal against Switzerland (September 18) and Romania (September 22). Staskova's Czech Republic will take on Poland in a double fixture (18 and 22 September), while Pedersen will face Bosnia on 17th and Sciberras' Malta on 22nd.

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