
Tribute to Heysel victims in Grugliasco

Tribute to Heysel victims in Grugliasco
Tribute to Heysel victims in Grugliasco
Tribute to Heysel victims in Grugliasco

Sunday was a day of mourning, solidarity and remembrance in Grugliasco, near Turin, as the memories of the victims of the Heysel Stadium disaster on 29 May 1985 were honoured once more.

With President of the J|Museum Paolo Garimberti, Head of Academy Gianluca Pessotto, Grugliasco mayor Roberto Montà, Grugliasco Club Doc president Massimo Paparella and Giuseppe Franzo, an eye-witness in Brussels and founder of the “Quella di Via Filadelfia” looking on, the names of the 39 lives lost that day were read aloud during a moving commemoration service, organized by the town council and the Juventus Club Doc di Grugliasco supporters’ club.

On the conclusion of the tributes of those present the ribbon was cut on the “Giardino Vittime Heysel” (the Heysel Victims garden), a green communal space where the legacy of that tragic night will live on.

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